
Circle of Life and Death

The distance between the average life of a living being in six different realms of life, but nothing is everlasting forever. So the rebirth will happen. The nature of life in which a person will be born and the condition of birth experienced, is determined by the past life and the present life. This is called the law of karma.
Because of the strength of one's karma, he will experience a continuous rebirth in various realms of life. The Buddha declares that nothing is everlasting in the cycle of birth and death. Only if one develops and trains the Eight Paths of Glory taught by the Buddha, who will eventually attain Nirvana, so that the person is free from that cycle of life and death and obtains perennial perfection and happiness everlasting.
The Buddha said: "There are Eight Things that if developed and trained will bring to Nibbana, to Nibbana and to the climax of Nibbana.All the Eight It is none other than Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Awareness and Right Concentration. " (Samyutta Nikaya, V 10)
People who understand karma and rebirth will see this life with a better view. They will realize that every deed done will have a result in the present and the next life. Knowledge gives them hope and strength to deal with all difficulties, so they have a passion for always doing good. They are sure to enjoy the good results of their noble deeds both short and long term.
It is actually difficult to be born in the human realm. It is difficult to hear the Dharma, that it is even more difficult to generate trust. Therefore, everyone should try wherever possible to listen to the teachings of the Buddha, so as to be free from the circle of life and death, to live gloriously, by removing all low craving.
The Buddha said: "A man who has been free from superstition, who has understood the invisible state (nibbana), who has severed all bonds (good and evil), who have put away all craving, he is indeed the most honorable man "(Dhammapada, 97).
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