
The Mante and the Mysteries

The existence of the Mante tribe in the interior of Aceh's forests has been a very long-standing issue. Because so long to be a myth or thumbs up in the people of Aceh today, this 'mystical' tribal conversation only got popular in some era both the kingdoms of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam and also the Dutch colonial period.
Mante or Bante tribe is still a mystery researchers and aceh people in menelurusi existence as an Acehnese grandmother, Mante tribe has the characteristics of small stature with a maximum height of 140 cm and brown skin and curly hair, living in the mountains and grow like a human ordinary.
Many argue that mante tribes actually exist, including Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (a Dutch researcher in charge of studying aceh as a whole) in his book De Atjehers also alludes to the existence of the tribe. But he never met directly. He only quoted the person he said he had seen.
Thousands of years ago (around 500-1500 BC) when the island of Sumatra did not yet have a name, came a group of immigrants from Southeast Asia, they came and settled in some parts of the Sumatran mountains. The first tribe is known as the proto Malay or commonly called the old Malay. Proto proto tribe has special expertise in agriculture and hunting while the tool used still comes from stone. In 1500 BC came a second group known as the Deutro Malay tribe who inhabited the coastal region of Sumatra. This tribe has more advanced skills than the proto Malay tribe, this tribe has been able to use metal and bronze as equipment. Furthermore they inhabit and form the community and develop into small tribes such as Aceh, Batak, Padang and Palembang.
The Mante and the Mysteries
At least the above theories can be used as the basis of the origin of the nation of Aceh although many are dubious but in 2010 Medan Archeologist team managed to find fossils of ancient human skeletons that are thought to have inhabited the highland gayo mesolitik era. According to the results of a study of carbon-fossil testing, the researchers argue that life activity at the Mendale Landscape site and its surroundings has taken place before 3580 years ago or about 1500 BC. In addition to the prehistoric manusa skeleton found, the team of archaeologists also found hand-held axes, stone spear eyes and some other stone tools around the discovery area.
There are interesting and intriguing stories when I listen and read some writings on the internet about the mysterious tribe in Aceh. The news spreads very mazy and refers to the endless directions of reference. This tribe has long been a byword, since the days of the war against the colonial past (Frederik Hendrik van Langen, 1886) so it is not new. But behind the mystery of the maze of news, of course there is a glimmer of desire to meet the desire for my keingintau. This tribe is no stranger to the ears of friends, especially among journalists, of course.
Where are they? this is a part of the mystery, some say their existence is in deep jungle of East Aceh, there is also they are in Gampong seumileuk, the location of the village in forest area between Jantho and Tangse. this is evidenced by the discovery of the former rice fields and graves contained there. Also called their existence there is a hill in the Lokop area, there is a remnant of the remains of their village / village there and there is also calling them on Mount GEUPO, about 9 hours drive from Geumpang. In fact, recently rumors have spread about their whereabouts in the Leuser forest between Kutacane and South Aceh in the Krueng Bengkoeng area. It's full of mystery.
There are some of their habits, one of them they like to go down the river when dawn Azan reverberate. that's the right time to see or prove them. There is also a saying if you want to find them in places mentioned above do not forget to bring salt, because they love the salt.

The facts of the Mante tribe in Aceh
a researcher named Shnouk Hurghronje once wrote in his book entitled
  "De Athjehers" mentions if this mante tribe is ethnic Malay proto and wujutnya small like the population of Malay in general, this tribe is called always in the interior of the forest generally
2. Already Extinct Before Islam Entered Aceh
mante diaceh tribe was around in the 12th century and during that time Islam has not entered the area of aceh so that it can be said at that time human peradapan still very bad not knowing life like now
3. Has a strong sense of smell 
The Mante tribe diaceh in general is the same as other inland people that they are accustomed to nature and have a keen sense of smell, habits they tend to quickly smell the human scent and prefer to avoid to reduce the risk of harm to his people, But the Naas on that day may Direction The wind is opposite thus making the mante can not smell the human smell that comes with motor cros
4. Not Sure Native Aceh
in general some people would think that the mante tribe found this is the original tribe of aceh, it is not because aceh is part of sumatra island, generally mante tribe is the original habitat of wilderness island sumatra but that does not mean indigenous tribe aceh karna aceh nation have very hard dican original population umunnya here is a nation that has been united
5. The Mante tribe loves Salt
Some aceh people have heard the story that this mante tribe is very fond of salt, if you travel a forest and find a cave, you can try it put salt At the corner of Goa terubut, And if for some time Salt is lost and find footprints, then it can be said There are mante tribes around you
This is certainly reasonable, because the mante tribe is a remote jungle inhabitants far from the coast of the sea of course they need salt which salt is an important thing for the body, in fact this is not like but more to the needs.
that is above the mystery and facts about the tribe Mante Yang you need to know to curtail the sense of pennaraan karna after viewing mante tribe videos in aceh that you find in social media and sites of popular sites that presents the Viral content.
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