LabelsHealth information

Manfaat Latihan & Teknik Pernapasan Diafragma | Diaphragmatic Breathing

Pernapasan diafragma adalah jenis latihan pernapasan yang membantu memperkuat diafragma Anda, otot penting yang membantu Anda bernapas. Latihan pern…

4 7 8 Breathing: Temukan Metode dan Manfaatnya

Teknik pernapasan 4-7-8 (4 7 8 breathing) adalah pola pernapasan yang dikembangkan oleh Dr. Andrew Weil. Ini didasarkan pada teknik yoga kuno yang d…

Buteyko Breathing - Apa Itu Teknik Pernapasan Buteyko beserta manfaatnya?

Apa itu Pernapasan Buteyko ? Zaramozzoe - Seorang dokter Ukraina, Konstantin Buteyko, menciptakan teknik pernapasan Buteyko (BBT) pada 1950-an. Meto…

Getting to know Buteyko Breathing: Benefits and How to Do It

What are breathing exercises? BREATHING is an integral part of human life. However, not many understand that even breathing has an art. Cultivating …

These 6 Foods Can Increase Your Risk Of Getting Cancer

Zaramozzoe  – One of the diseases most people fear is cancer. Not only can the risk of premature death increase, the sufferer will experience tremend…

7 habits that are not healthy for the kidneys

Don't forget to read our other writings on > god and goddess of Hinduism Zaramozzoe  – The kidneys are one of the organs in the body that are …